YOOV WORK (HR Management System)
雲端 HR 系統6大功能助您大幅簡化事務,提升業務效率。
The cloud-based HR system offers six major functions that significantly simplify operations and enhance business efficiency.
The cloud-based HR system offers six major functions that significantly simplify operations and enhance business efficiency.
- 流程審批允許自訂不同審批流程,一機在手,申請及審批過程彈指之間完成。 The workflow approval function allows customized approval processes to be set up, and with just one device, applications and approval processes can be completed in a snap
- 考勤管理支援多種打卡方式如人面、Wi-Fi、GPS 等,一機在手即可打卡,連同實時詳盡考勤數據助輕鬆遙距掌握員工考勤。 The attendance management function supports multiple methods of clocking in, such as facial recognition, Wi-Fi, and GPS. Clocking in with just a mobile phone, and real-time detailed attendance data helps to easily manage employee attendance remotely.
- 排班淩亂不再,從此利用手機以排班管理進行排更調更,自由輸入員工請假及工作地點等資訊助製作更清晰更表。 No more messy scheduling! With the roaster management function, roastering and shift changes can be done using a mobile phone, and inputting employee leave and work location information helps to create clearer schedules.
- 於假期管理自設不同假期類別及派發規則,自動提醒清假,員工一 App 在手即可查閲假期資訊。 In the leave management function, different leave types and distribution rules can be set up, automatic reminders for clearing leaves are issued, and employees can easily check leave information using the app.
- 薪酬管理自動計算薪金及強積金供款,亦可自設津貼及扣減規則,輸出電子糧單、強積金供款結算書等文件只需幾個按鈕即成。 The payroll management function automatically calculates salaries and MPF contributions, and also allows customized rules for allowances and deductions. Generating electronic pay slips and MPF contribution statements only requires a few clicks.
- 員工管理人才庫功能讓招聘至入職程序邁向自動化及無紙化,所有員工資料均以「銀行級別」加密方式處理。 The employee management function’s talent pool feature automates and digitizes the recruitment and onboarding process, and all employee data is processed using “bank-level” encryption.
首年免費使用 YOOV WORK,為 HR 繁複事務締造更流暢體驗!
Free use of YOOV WORK for the first year and create a smoother HR experience for complex tasks.