Preset rules for stress-free auto salary calculation
Based on preference setting, integrate attendance and leave data for monthly payroll calculation. Generate e-payslip for employees in mobile app.
Based on preference setting, integrate attendance and leave data
for monthly payroll calculation. Generate e-payslip for employees in mobile app.
Complicated salary calculation
Human error
Time-consuming for payslip
Based on preference setting, integrate attendance and leave data for monthly payroll calculation. Generate e-payslip for employees in mobile app.
System exports various types of forms to meet institution-specific requirements.
Generate detailed e-payslip and send to employee’s mobile app to prevent being incorrectly distributed or lost.
Select MPF type and set up contribution rules freely, and sum up the total amount by the system. Up to 9 mainstream MPF trustee format supported.
Support various approvals, enjoy convenient and efficient workflow approval management wherever you are, and all you need is a mobile.
The system automatically counts punch-in records, attendance records and other information, also export e-reports.
The information is stored securely and can be accessed easily. Employees’ vital personal information is safeguarded to the highest standards.
Available to assign shifts in batches, no more handwriting records and work with e-rostering from now.
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Reach us by Email: cs@yoov.com or +852 2988 8883