


  • 24/7 全球自設緊急支援服務
  • 緊急醫療運送及送返服務保障
  • 外遊警示保障
  • 海外住院現金津貼
  • 自選高爾夫球、郵輪假期及水肺潛水保障

旅遊智易保 單次旅程保費低至$30*



亞洲地區 |  澳洲、汶萊、柬埔寨、中國、印度、印尼、日本、南韓、寮國、澳門、馬來西亞、緬甸、紐西蘭、菲律賓、新加坡、臺灣、泰國及越南

全球地點 | 並不包括: 古巴、伊朗、敘利亞、北韓、克里米亞、頓涅茨克、盧甘斯克

新型冠狀病毒保障 高達港幣$120萬

AIG 旅遊保險全新升級,提供新冠肺炎保障。在現有保障之上,我們另外提供新冠肺炎緊急醫療費用、旅程取消、提早結束旅程及隔離津貼,讓您在外遊時備受保障,減少因疫情隨時帶來的損失。

旅程取消保障 (出發前在港確診新型冠狀病毒)及
緊急醫療費用 (旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒)

提早結束旅程及海外隔離津貼 (旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒)





最高賠償額 (港元)
緊急醫療費用及援助 – 醫療費用
緊急醫療費用及援助 – 緊急醫療運送
緊急醫療費用及援助 – 運返費用
緊急醫療費用及援助 – 海外住院現金津貼
人身意外保障 – 乘搭交通工具之意外
人身意外保障 – 其他意外
緊急醫療費用及援助 – 緊急啟程X
緊急醫療費用及援助 – 子女護送X
個人財物保障 – 個人行李及物品X
個人財物保障 – 個人金錢X
個人財物保障 – 旅遊證件X
延誤保障 – 旅程延誤X
延誤保障 – 行李延誤X
旅程阻礙保障 – 取消旅程XX
旅程阻礙保障 – 旅程中斷XX


最高賠償額 (港元)
醫療費用、緊急醫療運送及遺體或骨灰運返費用 (如您於旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒)
旅程取消 (如您或直屬家人於出發前在港確診新型冠狀病毒)
旅程中斷 (如您或直屬家人於旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒及需提早回港)
新型冠狀病毒確診海外隔離津貼 (如您或直屬家人於旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒及需提早回港)X


高爾夫球保障 – 高爾夫球物品$8,000
高爾夫球保障 – 租用高爾夫球工具$6,000
高爾夫球保障 – 草坪費用$3,000
郵輪假期 – 額外旅程阻礙保障$30,000
郵輪假期 – 郵輪阻礙保障$50,000
郵輪假期 – 取消岸上觀光旅程$10,000
郵輪假期 – 衛星電話費用$2,000
水肺潛水 – 潛水旅程$15,000
水肺潛水 – 租用設施費用$10,000


最高賠償額 (港元)
1(a). 緊急醫療費用及援助 – 醫療費用$500,000$800,000$1,000,000
1(b). 緊急醫療費用及援助 – 緊急醫療運送不設限額不設限額不設限額
1(c). 緊急醫療費用及援助 – 運返費用不設限額不設限額不設限額
1(d). 緊急醫療費用及援助 – 海外住院現金津貼$5,000$5,000$5,000
1(e). 緊急醫療費用及援助 – 緊急啟程X$30,000$30,000
1(f). 緊急醫療費用及援助 – 子女護送X$30,000$30,000
2(a). 人身意外保障 – 乘搭交通工具之意外$500,000$1,000,000$1,200,000
2(b). 人身意外保障 – 其他意外$250,000$500,000$600,000
3. 緊急入息援助XX$30,000
4(a). 旅程阻礙保障 – 取消旅程XX$20,000
4(b). 旅程阻礙保障 – 旅程中斷XX$20,000
5(a). 個人財物保障 – 個人行李及物品X$8,000$10,000
5(b). 個人財物保障 – 個人金錢X$1,500$2,500
5(c). 個人財物保障 – 旅遊證件X$10,000$30,000
6(a). 延誤保障 – 旅程延誤X$1,500$2,000
6(b). 延誤保障 – 行李延誤X$600$800
7. 個人責任X$2,000,000$2,000,000
8. 信用卡保障X$20,000$20,000
9. 家居物品保障XX$3,000


最高賠償額 (港元)
醫療費用、緊急醫療運送及遺體或骨灰運返費用 (如您於旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒)港幣$300,000 (70歲以下; 17歲以下及70歲或以上為港幣$150,000)港幣$800,000 (70歲以下; 17歲以下及70歲或以上為港幣$400,000)港幣$1,200,000 (70歲以下; 17歲以下及70歲或以上為港幣$600,000)
旅程取消 (如您或直屬家人於出發前在港確診新型冠狀病毒)港幣$2,000港幣$8,000港幣$15,000
旅程中斷 (如您或直屬家人於旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒及需提早回港)港幣$2,000港幣$8,000港幣$15,000
新型冠狀病毒確診海外隔離津貼 (如您或直屬家人於旅程期間確診新型冠狀病毒及需提早回港)X港幣$1,400 ($100 / 天)港幣$2,800 ($200 / 天)


高爾夫球保障 – 高爾夫球物品$8,000
高爾夫球保障 – 租用高爾夫球工具$6,000
高爾夫球保障 – 草坪費用$3,000
郵輪假期 – 額外旅程阻礙保障$30,000
郵輪假期 – 郵輪阻礙保障$50,000
郵輪假期 – 取消岸上觀光旅程$10,000
郵輪假期 – 衛星電話費用$2,000
水肺潛水 – 潛水旅程$15,000
水肺潛水 – 租用設施費用$10,000




AIG 24小時旅遊緊急熱線: (852)3516 8999,發生突發狀況時為您提供以下支持:













我到泰國旅遊 4天並投保了「旅遊智易保」單次計劃。在旅程的最後一日由於小腿骨折,所以我在泰國多逗留2天。「旅遊智易保」單次計劃會否為我提供保障? 

會。如旅程在無可避免之情況下延期(如: 小腿骨折導致不能按照原定行程回港,並能夠提供醫療文件證明受保人之身體狀況不適宜乘坐飛機), 保單將自動延長最多10日,且無須繳納額外的保費。


您可在24/7致電(852)3516-8699 與我們的緊急支援服務團隊。


可以,但必須為整個旅程期間(包括交流及遊玩) 購買旅遊保險。

我的航班在晚上二月一日 11:50 起飛,我的保險應該何日開始生效? 



如您在同一行程中前往多個目的地,你只需購買一份旅遊保險; 而在購買旅遊保險時選擇最遠的目的地。




可以, 因天然災害所導致額外合理的交通費是受保的,但必須提供由航空公司發出有關航班廷誤/取消之證明信。




   "Premium Table (HK$) - Mainland China & Macau Plan":[
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"1",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"60",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"86",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"172",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"125",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"250"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"2",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"60",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"86",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"172",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"125",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"250"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"3",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"60",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"86",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"172",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"125",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"250"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"4",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"60",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"86",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"172",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"125",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"250"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"5",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"76",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"110",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"220",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"158",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"316"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"6",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"87",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"126",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"252",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"182",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"364"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"7",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"98",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"142",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"284",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"205",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"410"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"8",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"109",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"158",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"316",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"227",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"454"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"9",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"120",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"173",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"346",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"250",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"500"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"10",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"130",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"188",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"376",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"272",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"544"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"11",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"140",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"203",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"406",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"293",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"586"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"12",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"150",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"218",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"436",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"314",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"628"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"13",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"160",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"232",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"464",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"335",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"670"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"14",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"170",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"246",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"492",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"355",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"710"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"Each Additional Week",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"-",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"-",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"-",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"-",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"-"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"Annual Plan",
         "Age 0-17 - Individual":"786",
         "Age 18-69 - Individual":"1138",
         "Age 18-69 - Family":"2276",
         "Age 70 above - Individual":"1644",
         "Age 70 above - Family":"3288"
   "Worldwide Gold & Platinum Plan":[
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"1",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"158",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"195",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"229",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"458",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"281",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"562",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"330",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"660",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"406",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"812"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"2",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"158",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"195",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"229",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"458",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"281",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"562",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"330",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"660",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"406",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"812"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"3",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"158",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"195",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"229",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"458",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"281",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"562",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"330",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"660",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"406",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"812"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"4",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"158",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"195",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"229",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"458",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"281",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"562",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"330",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"660",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"406",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"812"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"5",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"201",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"247",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"291",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"582",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"358",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"716",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"420",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"840",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"517",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"1034"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"6",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"231",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"284",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"334",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"668",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"411",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"822",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"482",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"964",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"593",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"1186"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"7",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"260",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"320",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"376",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"752",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"463",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"926",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"543",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1086",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"669",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"1338"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"8",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"289",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"355",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"418",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"836",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"514",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1028",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"604",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1208",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"743",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"1486"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"9",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"317",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"390",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"459",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"918",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"564",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1128",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"663",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1326",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"816",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"1632"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"10",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"345",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"424",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"499",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"998",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"614",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1228",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"721",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1442",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"887",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"1774"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"11",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"372",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"458",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"539",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"1078",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"663",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1326",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"778",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1556",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"958",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"1916"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"12",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"399",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"491",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"577",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"1154",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"710",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1420",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"834",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1668",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"1027",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"2054"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"13",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"426",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"524",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"616",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"1232",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"758",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1516",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"890",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1780",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"1095",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"2190"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"14",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"451",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"555",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"653",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"1306",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"803",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1606",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"943",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1886",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"1161",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"2322"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"15",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"477",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"586",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"690",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"1380",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"849",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1698",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"997",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"1994",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"1226",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"2452"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"16-18",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"521",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"641",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"754",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"1508",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"927",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"1854",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"1089",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"2178",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"1340",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"2680"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"19-22",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"607",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"747",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"879",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"1758",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"1081",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"2162",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"1270",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"2540",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"1563",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"3126"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"23-27",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"697",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"858",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"1009",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"2018",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"1242",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"2484",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"1458",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"2916",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"1794",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"3588"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"28-31",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"796",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"980",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"1153",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"2306",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"1418",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"2836",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"1666",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"3332",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"2050",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"4100"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"Each Additional Week",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"77",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"94",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"111",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"222",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"136",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"272",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"160",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"320",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"197",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"394"
         "Age - Plan - Travel Period Day(s)":"Annual Plan",
         "Age 0-17 - Gold - Individual":"1986",
         "Age 0-17 - Platinum - Individual":"2186",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Individual":"2874",
         "Age 18-69 - Gold - Family":"5748",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Individual":"3164",
         "Age 18-69 - Platinum - Family":"6328",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Individual":"4154",
         "Age 70 above - Gold - Family":"8308",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Individual":"4573",
         "Age 70 above - Platinum - Family":"9146"
   "Optional Benefit":[
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"1",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"18",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"36",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"3",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"6",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"21",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"42",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"8",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"16",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"14",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"28",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"9",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"18"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"2",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"21",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"42",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"4",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"8",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"23",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"46",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"9",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"18",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"16",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"32",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"10",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"20"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"3",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"23",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"46",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"4",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"8",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"26",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"52",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"10",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"20",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"18",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"36",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"11",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"22"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"4",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"31",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"62",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"5",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"10",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"33",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"66",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"12",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"24",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"23",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"46",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"14",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"28"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"5",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"37",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"74",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"6",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"12",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"39",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"78",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"15",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"30",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"27",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"54",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"17",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"34"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"6",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"45",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"90",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"7",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"14",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"48",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"96",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"18",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"36",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"32",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"64",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"20",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"40"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"7",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"48",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"96",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"8",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"16",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"52",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"104",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"19",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"38",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"35",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"70",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"22",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"44"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"8",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"52",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"104",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"8",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"16",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"56",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"112",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"21",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"42",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"38",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"76",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"24",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"48"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"9",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"56",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"112",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"9",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"18",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"60",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"120",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"22",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"44",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"41",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"82",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"26",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"52"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"10",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"60",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"120",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"9",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"18",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"64",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"128",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"24",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"48",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"44",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"88",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"28",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"56"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"11",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"66",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"132",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"10",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"20",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"71",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"142",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"26",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"52",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"48",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"96",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"30",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"60"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"12",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"74",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"148",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"11",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"22",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"79",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"158",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"29",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"58",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"54",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"108",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"34",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"68"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"13",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"77",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"154",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"12",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"24",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"83",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"166",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"31",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"62",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"56",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"112",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"35",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"70"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"14",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"83",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"166",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"13",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"26",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"88",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"176",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"33",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"66",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"60",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"120",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"38",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"76"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"15",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"N/A",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"N/A",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"13",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"26",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"93",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"186",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"34",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"68",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"63",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"126",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"40",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"80"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"16-18",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"N/A",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"N/A",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"15",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"30",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"101",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"202",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"38",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"76",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"69",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"138",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"43",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"86"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"19-22",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"N/A",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"N/A",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"16",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"32",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"108",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"216",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"40",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"80",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"73",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"146",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"46",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"92"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"23-27",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"N/A",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"N/A",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"17",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"34",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"114",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"228",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"43",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"86",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"78",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"156",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"49",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"98"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"28-31",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"N/A",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"N/A",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"19",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"38",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"129",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"258",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"48",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"96",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"88",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"176",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"55",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"110"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"Each Additional Week",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"N/A",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"N/A",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"4",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"8",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"29",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"58",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"11",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"22",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"20",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"40",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"12",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"24"
         "Travel Period Day(s)":"Annual Plan",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Individual":"350",
         "Journey Inconvenience - Mainland China & Macau Plan - Family":"681",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"54",
         "Golf - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"105",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"374",
         "Cruise Vacation - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"727",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"139",
         "Scuba Diving - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"270",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"255",
         "Snow Sports - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"496",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Individual":"160",
         "Missed Event - Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan - Family":"311"

TravelSafe Insurance Plan – 美亞倍安遊保障計劃

Enjoy your journeys with our comprehensive protection



•Up to HK$1,800,000 COVID-19 Medical Coverage 

•Journey Cancellation and Curtailment up to HK$40,000 


•Up to HK$1,500,000 overseas medical expense coverage 

•Unlimited Coverage of Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains

Journey Inconvenience 

•Travel Delay (up to HK$300 compensation for every 5 hours delay) 

•Early Return Home (Curtailment) expense up to HK$50,000 

•Missed Connection expense up to HK$2,000 

•Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) benefit 

Personal Effects 

•Accidental loss or damage of mobile phones, laptops, personal money and fraudulent use of Credit Card. 

Amateur sports 

•Marathon, skiing, hot air balloon, scuba diving, trekking (below 3,000 m) etc. 

Optional Benefits 

•Cruise Vacation, Missed Events, Golf, Scuba Diving, Snow Sports and Journey Inconvenience 


•No age limit for Single Trip Plan. Children traveling alone are covered 

•Period of insurance extends up to 10 days if you are unable to return to Hong Kong

If you need AIG Travel 24 Hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Service, you have to: 

• Contact AIG Travel 24 Hour Worldwide Emergency Hotline +(852) 3516 8699 

• Please have your location details, telephone number, policy number and your name ready

AIG Travel 24-Hour Hotline and Referral Service 

• Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation 

• Medical Referrals 

• Telephone Medical Advice 

• Emergency Telephone Interpretation Assistance 

• Legal Referral 

• Lost Passport Assistance 

• Lost Luggage Search Assistance 

• Embassy Referral 

• Pre-Trip Visa Information 

• Pre-Trip Inoculation Information Services

Schedule of Benefits  


Benefits Maximum Benefit (HK$)  
Mainland China & MacauWorldwide GoldWorldwide Platinum
Section 1 – Emergency Medical Expenses and Assistance
a. Overseas Medical Expenses Reimbursement for the costs of qualified medical treatment, surgery and hospitalization as a result of injury or sickness during the Journey
– Insured Person under age of 70 years$350,000 $1,200,000 $1,500,000
– Insured Person age 70 or older$175,000$600,000 $750,000
– Insured Person under age 17 years $175,000$600,000 $750,000
b. Follow-up Medical Expenses 
Number of days for Follow-up Medical Expenses in Hong Kong:90 days 90 days 180 days
• For injury sustained while Overseas 
– Insured Person under age of 70 years175,000$600,000 $750,000
– Insured Person age 70 or older $87,500$300,000 $375,000
– Insured Person under age 17 years$87,500$300,000 $375,000
• For sickness sustained while Overseas 
– Insured Person under age of 70 years $35,000$120,000$150,000
– Insured Person age 70 or older $17,500 $60,000 $75,000
– Insured Person under age 17 years$17,500 $60,000 $75,000
• Follow up include treatment by Chinese Medicine Practitioner$150 per visit per, day up to $1,000$150 per visit per, day up to $2,000$200 per visit per, day up to $3,000
c. Overseas Hospital Cash
Pay HK$500 daily when Insured Person is hospitalized overseasN/A$3,000$5,000
d. Emergency Medical Evacuation1
Provide en-route medical care and transportation to another location for appropriate medical treatmentUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
e. Repatriation of Remains1
Arrange for the return of Insured Person’s remains to Hong Kong includes coverage arising from pre-existing conditionUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
f. Emergency Telephone Charges and Internet use 
Reimbursement for the telephone / internet / IDD expense in the event of contacting AIG emergency hotline during a medical or travel emergency$500 $500 $500 
Major exclusions applicable to Section 1 (a) to (e) Include
• Failure to obtain a written report from the Qualified Medical Practitioner
Section 2 – Personal AccidentCover the following arising from an accident: Major burns, Permanent Total Disablement or Accidental Death
a. Accident while in a Common Carrier or an Automobile
• Accident occurring during the Journey while riding as a passenger in a Common Carrier or a Carrier arranged by a travel agent or driving / riding in an automobile
– Insured Person under age of 70 years$250,000 $800,000 $1,500,000
– Insured Person age 70 or older$125,000$400,000$750,000
– Insured Person under age 17 years $125,000$400,000$750,000
b. Other Accidents
• Accidents other than those listed in Section 2a  
– Insured Person under age of 70 years$250,000 $400,000$750,000
– Insured Person age 70 or older$125,000$400,000$375,000
– Insured Person under age 17 years $125,000$200,000$375,000
Major exclusions applicable to Section 2 Include
• Any loss caused by an injury or otherwise which is a consequence of any kind of disease or sickness
Section 3 – Compassionate Death CashPay to Insured Person’s estate in case the Insured Person dies during the JourneyN/A$10,000 $20,000 
Section 4 – Journey Cancellation and Interruption
a. Journey Cancellation
Reimbursement for the non-recoverable cost of accommodation, basic tour fees, and visas in the event of journey cancellation due to:  • 90 days before the departure date Black Alert) Black Alert) – Death, Serious Injury or Serious Sickness of Insured Person, Immediate Family Member, Close Business Partner or Traveling Companion or a relative / friend living abroad the insured has planned to stay with – Witness summons or jury service of Insured Person • Within the period of 1 week before the departure date – Redundancy – Natural disaster and extreme weather conditions at the main travel destination(s) – Terrorist act for which the HK government has advised against non-essential travel to the area impacted by the event – Major industrial or common carrier accident affecting the journey of the intended carrier – Civil unrest, riot, commotion or strike resulting in cancellation of scheduled common carrier services – Multiple local airport closures – The Government of Hong Kong issuing a Red2 or Black OTA Alert for the intended travel destination(s) – Serious damage to the insured person’s primary residence in Hong Kong from fire or natural disasters and extreme weather conditions
$2,000 $25,000(50% under OTA Red or 100% under Black Alert)$50,000(50% under OTA Red or 100% under Black Alert)
b. Journey Interruption3
(1) Early Return Home – Curtailment Expenses Reimbursement for basic tour fee and /or travel fare and/ or accommodation, forfeited and / or additional travel ticket and / or accommodation reasonably and necessarily incurred after the commencement of the journey due to: • Natural disaster and extreme weather conditions • Terrorist act for which the HK government has advised against non-essential travel to the area impacted by the event •Major industrial or common carrier accident of the intended carrier • Civil unrest, riot or commotion, strike, resulting in cancellation of scheduled common carrier services; • Multiple local airport closures • Unexpected death or serious injury or serious sickness of your immediate family member, close business partner, traveling companion or a relative or friend living abroad who you had planned to stay with for the majority of your journey • Primary residence or place of business in Hong Kong is subject to burglary or vandalism and the police require the urgent attendance of the insured • A direct consequence of the trauma suffered from the hijack of the aircraft in which the insured is traveling • A Red2 or Black OTA Alert for the intended travel destination(s)$3,000 Included$25,000 Included$50,000 Included
(2) Journey Re-arrangementReimbursement for additional costs of Common Carrier and Accommodation for the Journey re-routing to intended destination (including return to Hong Kong) and Hong Kong airport parking cost / kennel or cattery fee for late arrival to Hong Kong due to natural disaster and extreme weather conditions, terrorist act, strike resulting in cancellation of scheduled common carrier services, civil unrest, riot or commotion, or epidemic at planned destinationIncludedIncludedIncluded
(3) Missed Connection Reimbursement for the cost of an alternative common carrier due to the late arrival of the preceding common carrierN/A$1,000 $2,000 
(4) Compassionate Visit Reimbursement for additional Travel Ticket and / or Accommodation for 1 adult Immediate Family Member to fly over or for 1 Travel Companion to stay behind in case of Insured person’s death, Serious Injury or Serious SicknessN/A$20,000$30,000
(5) Travel DocumentsReimbursement for the replacement cost of lost travel documents and / or Travel Tickets and additional Travel Tickets and / or Accommodation incurred as a direct result of theft, robbery or burglary$3,000$25,000$50,000
Major exclusions applicable to Section 4 Include• In respect of any loss claimed under Section 9a (Travel Delay), Section 4b (1) (Curtailment Expenses), Section 4b (2) (Journey Re-arrangement) and 4b (3) (Missed Connection) arising from the same cause
Section 5 – Loss of IncomePay HK$1,250 for each full week, in the event that the Insured Person is unable to return to work in his / her usual gainful occupation, as recommended by Qualified Medical Practitioner upon return to Hong Kong due to accidental injury during the journeyN/A$15,000$30,000
Section 6 – Land Travel ArrangementReimbursement for the traveling expense for in seeking medical service overseas and returning home from the Hong Kong airport after overseas hospital confinementN/A$500$600
Section 7 – Child GuardReimbursement for additional Accommodation and/or Travel Ticket for 1 Immediate Family Member or 1 Traveling Companion to accompany Insured Person’s child(ren) aged below 15 back to Hong Kong in the event of Insured Person’s overseas hospitalization due to Death, Serious Injury or Serious SicknessN/A$10,000 $10,000 
Section 8 – Personal Effects
a. Baggage and Personal Effects$3,000$12,000$25,000
Pay for loss or damage to Insured Person’s baggage, clothing and personal effects
• Sub-limit per article / pair / set of articles$3,000$3,000$3,000
• Sub-limit for laptops / all cameras, camcorders and accessories and related equipment$3,000$12,000$15,000
b. Mobile Phone (only for Worldwide Platinum Plan)Reimbursement for loss of or damage to a mobile phone including Tablet Computer during the journeyN/A N/A $3,000
c. Personal MoneyReimbursement for the loss of cash, bank notes, traveler’s cheque and money order as a result of robbery, burglary or theft N/A$1,500$2,500
d. Fraudulent Use of Credit CardReimburse the non-legal liability for payment arising out of the unauthorized use of credit cards and / or the cost of replacing credit cards in the event the credit cards are stolen during the journeyN/A$16,000$32,000
Major exclusions applicable to Section 8a Include • Jewelry or accessories, antiques, fragile articles, plastic money (including the credit value of credit card, Octopus cards, etc) • Any loss not reported to the police within twenty-four (24) hours from occurrence of the incident and such police report is not obtained at the police station near the place of loss • Any loss or damage while in the custody of a hotel or common carrier, unless reported immediately on discovery in writing to such hotel or common carrier within three (3) days and a Property Irregularity Report is obtained in the case of the event occurred in an airline. • Any loss claimed under Section 9b (Baggage Delay) arising from the same cause
Section 9 – Delay Coverage4
a. Travel Delay(i) Pay HK$300 for the first full 5 hours for all plans, then HK$500 for each following full 10 hours of delay for Worldwide Gold Plan and Worldwide Platinum Plan. Either departure or arrival delay can be claimed for the same delayed Common Carrier, in which the Insured Person has arranged to travel is delayed and caused directly by: •Natural disaster and extreme weather conditions or less severe weather conditions which impacts a delay •Terrorist act •Major industrial or common carrier accident •Civil unrest, riot or commotion, strike •Airport closure •Mechanical breakdown, equipment (including computer) failure or structural defect of the common carrier OR (ii) Reimburse the expenses paid in advance if Insured Person decides to cancel the Journey because of departure delay for at least 10 hours after the departure time owing to natural disaster, extreme weather conditions, equipment failure, hijack or strike of the employees of the Common Carrier Either Section 9a(i) or Section 9a(ii) can be claimed arising from the same cause$300 $2,000$3,000
b. Baggage DelayCompensate for an insured in case when an insured person’s baggage is not delivered within 6 hours by the Common CarrierN/A$600$1,200
Major exclusions applicable to Section 9 Include • Failure to obtain written confirmation from the common carrier on the number of hours and the reason for such delay • Any loss arising from the failure to get on-board the first available alternative transportation offered by the administration of the relevant common carrier • Any loss claimed under Section 4b (1) (Curtailment Expenses) Section 4b (2) (Journey Re-arrangement) or Section 4b (3) (Missed Connections) arising from the same cause
Section 10 – Personal LiabilityTo indemnify Insured Person against legal liability to third parties arising as a result of accidental injury, death, loss of or damage to their property caused by Insured Person’s Person’s negligence$1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 
Major exclusions applicable to Section 10 Include • Liability arising from the ownership, possession or use of vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, firearms or animals 
Section 11 – Loss of Home ContentsReimbursement for the loss or damage to household contents in Insured Person’s Hong Kong primary Residence as a direct result of burglaryN/A$10,000$15,000
Section 12 – Car Rental Excess Charges and Return CostReimburse the Insured Persons when they are liable for the excess in the event of loss or damage of the rental vehicle and car rental vehicle return costs due to hospital confinementN/A $6,000$12,000
Section 13 – COVID-19 Coverage a. Medical Expenses, Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains Medical Expenses & Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains if you contract COVID-19 while travelling internationally
– Insured Person under age of 70 years$500,000$1,500,000 $1,800,000
– Insured Person age 70 or older$250,000$750,000 $900,000
– Insured Person under age 17 years $250,000$750,000 $900,000
b. Journey Cancellation For non-refundable travel and or accommodation expenses if you or your immediate family member contract COVID-19 before your scheduled trip departure date.$3,500$20,000$40,000
c. Journey CurtailmentFor non-refundable trip costs and additional travel costs to return to Hong Kong if you or your immediate family member contract COVID-19 while traveling internationally.$3,000 $20,000$40,000
d. Out-of-country COVID-19 Diagnosis Quarantine AllowanceFor accommodation, meals and other expenses directly related to quarantine if you contract COVID-19 and are unexpectedly quarantined outside Hong Kong.N/A$2,800 ($200/day)$5,600 ($400/day)


Benefits Maximum Benefit (HK$)  
Mainland China & MacauWorldwide Gold / Platinum
a. Golf BaggageReimbursement for the theft of or damage to Golf Baggage during the JourneyN/A$8,000 
b. Hire Golf EquipmentReimburse the cost of hiring Golf Equipment if the Golf Equipment is lost, stolen or damagedN/A$6,000 
c. Loss of Green FeesReimburse the amount of any green fees or golf tuition fees or any fees for hiring any Golf Equipment incurred for a game of golf or golf tuition with such golf club or tuition due to the Serious Injury or Serious Sickness of the InsuredN/A$3,000 
Section 15 – Cruise Vacation
a. Additional Journey Cancellation and Interruption The Maximum Benefit of the Section 4a Journey Cancellation and Section 4b Journey Interruption shall be increased by HK$30,000N/AExtra $30,000 
b. Cruise Cancellation and InterruptionReimbursement for forfeiture of payments made for the cruise tour and / or additional and reasonable travel fare incurred to go to the next scheduled destination of the cruise tour, for the purpose of re-joining the cruise tour in the event that the Common Carrier in which the Insured Person has arranged to travel to board the cruise is delayed for at least eight (8) hours from the scheduled arrival time specified in the itinerary due to natural disasters and extreme weather conditions, equipment failure, hijack or strike by the employees of the Common CarrierN/A$50,000 
c. Excursion Tour CancellationReimbursement for the forfeiture of payments made in relation to the excursion tour in the event of the excursion tour cancellation due to Serious Injury or Serious Sickness of the Insured or inclement weather at the planned destinationN/A$10,000
d. Satellite Phone FeeReimbursement for satellite phone call expenses incurred up to HK$2,000 if the Insured Person cannot continue journey and must return directly to Hong Kong due to Serious Injury or Serious Sickness of the Insured Person or Traveling CompanionN/A$2,000 
Section 16 – Scuba Diving
a. Dive TourPay proportionate loss of the irrecoverable dive tour costs paid or contracted to be paid prior to the insured commencing the diving if the Insured Person is certified by a Qualified Medical Practitioner as being unfit to dive due to Sickness or Injury during the insured JourneyN/A$15,000 
b. Equipment HireReimburse the costs of hiring Diving Equipment as a result of the accidental loss, theft of, damage to or temporary loss in transit for more than 12 hours of the Insured Person’s Diving Equipment during the insured Journey.N/A$10,000 
Section 17 – Snow Sports
a. Missed BookingReimburse the proportionate loss of non-refundable pre-paid ski lift passes, tuition fees or snow equipment hire costs paid or contracted to be paid due to injury or sickness of the Insured Person occurring during the journeyN/A$3,000 
b. Piste ClosurePay HK$500 for each completed 24 hours if skiing is ($500/day) prevented during the Journey because of insufficient snow or too much snow causing a total closure of the lift system and there is no other ski resort availableN/A$5,000 ($500/day)
c. Snow Sport Equipment HirePay the necessary cost of hiring replacement snow sport equipment if your snow sports equipment is lost, delayed or damaged during the JourneyN/A$1,500 
d. Ski EquipmentReimburse the loss of or damage to snow sports equipmentN/A$3,000 
Section 18 – Missed EventReimburse the non-refundable ticket cost for an overseas music or performance event, sports event and theme park admission if unable to attend due to : – 90 days before departure death or serious sickness of the insured or his / her immediate family member, close business partner, traveling companion or a relative living abroad with whom the Insured intends to stay with, jury service – 1 week before departure being in quarantine, redundancy, natural disaster and extreme weather conditions at main destination, terrorist act,civil unrest, riot, red / black OTA, strike and etc.N/A$3,000 
Mainland China & Macau Plan – Optional BenefitsMainland China & MacauWorldwide Gold / Platinum
Journey Inconvenience
a.Journey Cancellation〈 Coverage shall be subject to Section 4a above〉Extra $5,000 N/A
b.Loss of Travel Document〈Coverage shall be subject to Section 4b(5) above〉Extra $5,000 N/A
c.Baggage and Personal Effects〈Subject to the maximum coverage and the sublimit of Section 8a above〉Extra $5,000 N/A
d.Journey Delay〈Coverage shall be subject to Section 9a above〉(i) Extra HK$200 for first 5 hours and HK$200 for each 10 hours thereafter; or; (ii)Reimburse the expenses if the journey is cancelled due to departure delay for at least 10 hoursExtra $5,000 N/A


Single Trip PlanAnnual Multi-trip Plan
No. of Trips per policy OneUnlimited
Trip DurationMaximum 182 daysMaximum 90 days per trip
Age Limit (Individual Plan)No age limitAged 17-70
Age Limit (Family Plan) Include 2 adults and unlimited number of children* Insured and the spouse6 (aged 17 or above) and unlimited number of children aged below 17, ages are determined on the age when the journey commencesInsured and the spouse6 (aged 17 or above) and unlimited number of children aged below17, ages are determined on the age when the journey commences
Eligibility■ Insured Person: (i) must be either a Hong Kong citizen or Hong Kong permanent resident or a resident with full rights to enter in to and return to Hong Kong regardless of medical status; and (ii) must be returning to Hong Kong at the end of the journey, or be intending to return to Hong Kong on completion of your journey; and(iii) whose pre-travel arrangements must be made and paid for in Hong Kong and your journey must commence in Hong Kong ■ This plan does not cover any insured person who is a People’s Republic of China passport holder and travels to/ within Mainland China■ Insured Person: (i) must be either a Hong Kong citizen or Hong Kong permanent resident or a resident with full rights to enter in to and return to Hong Kong regardless of medical status; and (ii) must be returning to Hong Kong at the end of the journey, or be intending to return to Hong Kong on completion of your journey; and (iii) whose pre-travel arrangements must be made and paid for in Hong Kong and your journey must commence in Hong Kong■ This plan does not cover any insured person who is a People’s Republic of China passport holder and travels to/ within Mainland China
ItineraryAll insured journeys must depart from Hong KongAll insured journeys must depart from Hong Kong

* Maximium Benefit Limits for Family Plan is 300% of the maximum benefit stated in the Schedule of Benefits

Important Notice

Purpose of Trip

This insurance is only valid for conventional leisure travel or business

travel (limited to administrative duty)


All ages are determined by reference to the age of a person when

the journey commences. The journey commences when the Insured

Person leaves an immigration counter of Hong Kong for the

purpose of commencement of the journey

Maximum Benefit Limits for Family Plan

300% of the maximum benefit stated in the Schedule of Benefits

No Refund Protocol

No refund of premium is allowed once the policy has been issued

Annual Plan for Corporate Client as Policyholder

Staff replacement is allowed for a corporate client. The premium

will be charged or refunded on a pro-rata day basis for addition or

deletion of insured staff

Duplicate Coverage

If the Insured Person is covered under more than 1 comprehensive

voluntary travel insurance policy underwritten by AIG

Insurance Hong Kong Limited for the same trip, only the one with

greatest compensation will apply and benefits thereunder be payable

Claims Procedure

Complete and return a claim form together with all relevant

supporting documents within 30 days of the incident

Major General Exclusions Applicable to All Sections of Coverage 7

• War, civil war, invasion, insurrection, revolution, use of military power

or usurpation of government of military power; any illegal or unlawful


• Jewelry or accessories, antiques, fragile articles, plastic money

(including credit cards / Octopus cards etc)

• Any pre-existing condition (except for repatriation of remains);

pregnancy and childbirth; AIDS or sexually transmitted disease

• Suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self-injury; mental or

nervous disorders; alcoholism or drug addiction

• Participating in any professional sports or any sport in which

remuneration, donation, sponsorship or financial rewards of any kind

would / could be earned / received; racing other than on foot (i.e.

human); expeditions; hunting trips and safaris that are not provided by

a licensed commercial operator; off-piste skiing / snowboarding;

white water rafting grade 4 or above; or sailing outside of territorial


•Any loss, injury, damage or legal liability arising directly or

indirectly from planned or actual travel in, to, or through Cuba,

Iran, Syria, North Korea, Crimea Region, Donetsk People’s

Republic (DNR) Region or Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) Region

• Any claim, loss, injury, damage or legal liability suffered or

sustained by residents of Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Crimea

Region, Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) Region or Luhansk

People’s Republic (LNR) Region

• Any cover, claim or provision of benefit which would expose AIG

Insurance Hong Kong Limited, its parent company or its ultimate

controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or


• Any person who is a People’s Republic of China passport holder

and travels to / within Mainland China. This exclusion will

however be waived if the Insured Person has an official document

issued by an overseas government (other than Mainland China) to

prove his / her identity as a legal resident of the said country but

travelling with a People’s Republic of China passport


  1. AIG Travel Emergency Hotline (852) 3516 8699 shall be contacted for the arrangement 
  2. 50% of maximum Benefit from Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) 
  3. The maximum amount payable under Section 4b(1), 4b(2), 4b(3), 4b(4), 4b(5) and 4b(6) will not in aggregate exceed 100% of the maximum Benefit for Section4b. 
  4. No benefit for Section 9a Delay will be provided for any loss claimed under Section 4b(1) Curtailment Expenses, 4b(2) Journey Re-arrangement or 4b(3) Missed Connection 
  5. Section17b Piste Closure only apply between (a) 1 Dec and 15 Apr for travel to the Northern Hemisphere or (b) 1 July and 30 Sept for travel to the Southern Hemisphere 
  6. Spouse means the person married to or in a civil partnership with the Insured Person. For these purposes, a marriage or civil partnership is a formal and legally binding union entered into between two people which is recognized as a marriage or civil partnership under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the union takes place. 
  7. The exclusions and terms and conditions set out in this brochure are not an exhaustive list of all applicable exclusions and conditions. Please refer to the policy wording for a full list of all applicable exclusions and conditions.

Premium Table (HK$) 

Mainland China & Macau Plan 

AgeAge 0-17Age 18-69Age 18-69Age 70 or above
Travel Period Day(s) IndividualIndividualFamilyIndividualFamily
Each Additional Week
Annual Plan7861138227616443288

Worldwide Gold & Platinum Plan

Age 0-17

Age 18-69

Age 18-69

Age 70 or above
PlanGold PlanPlatinum Plan
Gold Plan

Platinum Plan

Gold Plan

Platinum Plan
Travel Period Day(s) IndividualIndividualFamilyIndividualFamilyIndividualFamilyIndividualFamily
Each Additional Week7794111222136272160320197394
Annual Plan1986218628745748316463284154830845739146

*The annual plan is only applicable to persons aged 70 or below, please refer to enrollment details on P17-18.

Premium Table (HK$)

Optional Benefit

Journey Inconvenience


Cruise Vacation

Scuba Diving

Snow Sports

Missed Event
Mainland China & Macau Plan

Worldwide Gold/Platinum Plan
Travel Period Day(s)IndividualFamilyIndividualFamilyIndividualFamilyIndividualFamilyIndividualFamilyIndividualFamily
Each Additional WeekN/AN/A482958112220401224
Annual Plan35068154105374727139270255496160311